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Exceptions Handling
Applies To: All


  • The ZipArchive Library uses exceptions to notify about errors occurred while processing an archive.
  • If an exception is thrown while processing an archive, you should release the used resources by calling CZipArchive::Close() with the CZipArchive::afAfterException or
    CZipArchive::afWriteDir value.
  • If an exception happened during extraction, instead of calling CZipArchive::Close(), you can call CZipArchive::CloseFile() with the bAfterException parameter set to true. Then you can for example proceed to extracting of a next file.
  • The ZipArchive Library compiles by default with its own set of error messages. If you want to disable their compilation (e.g. to make the compiled library smaller), undefine _ZIP_ENABLE_ERROR_DESCRIPTION in the ZipException.cpp file.
  • When you need to throw a CZipException in a way that it works uniformly in STL and MFC version, use the CZipException::Throw() method.
  • The reason for the exception is stored in the CZipException::m_iCause member variable and the error code reported by the system is stored in CZipException::m_iSystemError.

STL Version

In the STL version, the ZipArchive Library throws exceptions inherited from std::exception. When catching exceptions, you should catch a reference to an exception object, not a pointer to it.
Sample Code
CZipArchive zip;
// ... do some processing here
catch(CZipException& ex)
// display the exception message
_tprintf(_T("Error while processing an archive: %s"),
// close the archive safely releasing resources;
// the archive will most probably be not usable after this call,
// if it was modified

MFC Version

In the MFC version, the ZipArchive Library throws exceptions inherited from CException. When catching exceptions, you should catch a pointer to an exception object and delete the object after you have finished handling the exception.
Sample Code
CZipArchive zip;
// ... do some processing here
catch(CException* ex)
// display the exception message
TCHAR lpszError[1024];
ex->GetErrorMessage(lpszError, 1024);
_tprintf(_T("Error while processing an archive: %s"), lpszError);
if (ex->IsKindOf( RUNTIME_CLASS( CZipException )))
CZipException* p = (CZipException*) ex;
// ... retrieve detailed information about the exception
else if (ex->IsKindOf( RUNTIME_CLASS( CFileException )))
CFileException* p = (CFileException*) ex;
// ... retrieve detailed information about the exception
//... and so on
// close the archive writing a central directory
// (makes sense if the archive was modified);
// the archive should be usable after this call

See Also API Links

Article ID: 0610222049
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